How to Avoid Heart Attack in Young Age?

 According to studies, nearly 50% of the population in India goes through a heart attack before age 55. From renowned personalities to common men, young adults in their 20s and 30s are falling prey to cardiovascular events. ‘These events have become more common in young people during and after the pandemic,’ admits the heart care experts. Ponjesly Hospital, known as the best cardiology hospital in Nagercoil, is committed to spreading awareness about heart health and offering comprehensive solutions to ensure a heart-healthy life.

Let us delve deep into the causes of heart attack and how one can avoid it.

What is Heart Attack?

A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the heart is lost due to artery blockage. It damages the heart muscle due to the restricted supply of oxygen to the heart. A heart attack is an emergency condition that demands immediate attention, failing to which can cause life loss too.

Some common signs of heart attack to watch out for

The signs of heart attack vary from person to person, ranging from mild to severe. These signs can show up days or weeks in advance. The experienced cardiologists from best heart hospital chalk out the following signs of a heart attack:

  • Tightness of chest or arms that spreads to neck and jaws 

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, and indigestion

  • Dizziness and fatigue

  • Breathing difficulty

  • Cold sweat

Risk factors of heart disease

To count on, here are the potential risk factors of heart attack:

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • High cholesterol levels

  • Family history of heart disease

  • Unhealthy dietary habit

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • High blood pressure

  • Smoking

  • Sedentary lifestyle 

Can I Avoid a Heart Attack?

Healthy lifestyle choices can help one mitigate the risk of heart attacks at an early age. Preventive health check-ups also keep your heart in shape, ensuring its healthy functioning. Following are a few tips for the younger generation to keep cardiovascular disease at bay.

Live a Stress-Free Life

Increased stress, particularly during and after the pandemic, has fueled the cases of heart attacks in young. Therefore, managing your emotional well-being is as crucial as managing your physical.

Don’t Be a Couch Potato

Are you someone who keeps binge-watching with a bowl of snacks? Then, it’s time to buckle up and go out for a walk. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the reasons that causes high blood pressure and heart attack. Avoid being inactive for a long by practicing yoga or other free-hand exercises.

An Ideal Body Weight is a Must

With a sedentary lifestyle comes complaints of obesity. Following a proper diet and exercising daily can help you achieve your desired weight.

Diabetes, Cholesterol & Blood Pressure: Keep an Eye on all Three

Diabetes can increase cholesterol and blood pressure levels, thereby creating excessive pressure on the artery walls. This can damage the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack. Often, one may have a family history of a heart attack. This also catalyzes one’s chances of getting a cardiovascular disease.

Being one of the crown jewels of cardiac care, Ponjesly Hospital offers comprehensive heart care facilities to patients. Our highly qualified cardiologists offer invasive and non-invasive heart treatments to help you lead a hearty life. We also offer preventive health check-ups to ensure your heart is working at its optimum. Book an appointment now.


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